Thursday, September 27, 2007

These footsteps want to stay

Wow, friends

long time no writing from me. The light at the end of the tunnel is in view (and it is not an oncoming locomotive)

I have had the Jim Croce song "One less set of footsteps" running around in my head all morning and particularly the line

But tomorrows a dream away
Today has turned to dust
Your silver tongue has turned to clay
And your golden rule to rust

which I found easily at It is an interesting site as I had no idea about who he was, what forces shaped him and what legacy he (unexpectedly) left. But all that aside

As one with a 'gift of gab', I am wondering how easily I might lead someone to the same conclusion "Your silver tongue has turned to clay" and the one following it "your golden rule to rust" which really bothers me more.

I really am not all that concerned about what anyone thinks of me. I don't mean that as coldly as it sounds, really. But I do worry about the impact my life has on others' perceptions of the Golden Rule and all the good and godly things that reside nearby.

Have I ever ticked you off or let you down? Is there anything I can do to make amends?


Michelle said...

Nope never ticked me off or let me down at all :) You have been a good friend to us and have always been an encourager.. The Lord willing and by His strength we can be the same for you!!

HitchHiker said...

Can't think of anything you've ever done either intentionally or unintentionally that has left me feeling dejected or anything of the like. I love you brother!