One of my favorite films this time of year is nearly any version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol. But today I am thinking of the Muppet one. Early in the film, after Scrooge has gone home on Christmas Eve, the shop staff and Bob Cratchet have a brief celebration of closing time before the impending holiday.
That is exactly how I feel tonight having crammed 40 hours of Engineering into this 3 day week and having kept the hounds at bay at the Financial Planning office to boot. I am brain weary for sure... but very aware that many would like to have a job let alone one with flexible hours as I have. Many would also like a family to go home to and a home to which to go. I am a man greatly blessed of God.
Some of those blessings are structural, like the freedoms and the general and disproportionate prosperity with which the West and most notably the US live by comparison to the rest of the world. Others are relational, deriving from the people I have known and to whom I am related and the many benefits they have showered on me, knowingly or not. But even so, there are some that cannot be satisfactorily explained to me any other way than the direct intervention of Almighty God into the fabric of time and space for my benefit.
The most noteworthy of these is that I am even aware that there is a God Who passionately desires a relationship with every individual that has ever lived on the face of this terrestrial ball for so much as a second, bar none. And the second is that He has wooed me into an eternal relationship with Him
If you are reading this, YOU are very likely one of the people I am grateful for. I cannot always tell how, but somehow, you have been used as the very fingertip of God to touch my life with blessing. And I pray I'll have opportunity to tell you face to face just exactly how I've seen God bless my family and me through you.
Happy Thanksgiving!

(Mother always told us not to eat food that talked)